Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Book Carving: Step One

It appears that so far, I'm one of three students who have ventured into studio today to do work on the second snow day of the year. Last night I started to think of what image from my book I wanted to make a scene from. I choose the photo of the Henry Clay estate. This was one of the few images where the house was set back enough to allow for images to be laid in front of it. After reading about Henry Clay in the book  I learned a few things.... 1. The estate was a working farm/plantation, 2. Henry Clay loved farm animals and had many of them on the property, and 3. That after his death his wife took over the family business (which was very unusual back then) and created the most successful horse training/breeding facility in the country. Last night I cut out the silhouettes of the images that will layer over the scene.

There are two trees that will emerge from either edge of the image to layer over, two riders on horse back and a man with a cow, to try and show the spirit of what working and living on this estate was all about.
I'll update with some progress soon!

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